At the beginning of 2024, I identified two related personal focus themes – purpose and presence. Early in the year, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with a leadership team in the energy services sector. Feedback from the session was consistent with my personal presence as a ‘vibrant guide’ and we achieved success in identifying strengths within the team and how these could be leveraged to address challenges the team was having with key internal relationships. I am fortunate to remain in contact with several of the participants, who continue to work through challenges and thrive.
My coaching practice continues to provide opportunities to partner with senior leaders, including one with deep expertise in marketing and board governance. His feedback included “Rob has been instrumental in helping me refine my personal brand and ongoing growth plan as an executive leader….His personable and authentic approach to our conversations also made every session enjoyable and I hope to remain friends with Rob well beyond our time together.” Again, it is very rewarding to receive confirmation that my coaching purpose is seen as authentic to my presence and values.
I continue to act as a mentor to a number of individuals who are working through career transitions, two who are past coaching clients and several in my personal community. Two individuals have landed new job opportunities and one other senior leader is well positioned to secure a new position early this year. I am increasingly aware of how much I am like my father, who was highly respected for his giving nature and acts of kindness (aka purpose!)
On a personal note, my spouse, Faye, had a very rewarding year in her real estate practice. We celebrate not only her successes, but her highly developed skills in negotiations and building relationships based on high trust and respect. My two daughters, now approaching their mid-thirties (!!) both continue to advance their careers and explore new challenges. I continue with my role as a volunteer ride leader with the Bow Cyclists and achieved a 12,000 km benchmark in total indoor and outdoor riding (injury & accident free!). I am increasingly grateful for being able to participate in the sport at this age and stage of my life.
My focus for 2025 is simple but challenging, reduce the noise. Whatever level you look at – municipal, provincial, national or global – there is much turmoil in the world. I will be making some shifts in the way I consume social media and focusing on relationships with people who may have differing views from me but who share my values of respect, civility, positivity and curiosity in better ways.
“You are never too old to start over. Every day is a chance to make changes to create the life we want.” (Karon Waddell)